Gym Programming 101
Build a Week of Workouts
Create a week of workouts in SugarWOD with a simple and straightforward process that will save you hours in the gym. In the video, Nicole shows how to program a week of workouts in under 2 minutes.
Program a Basic Barbell Lift
Need to schedule a barbell workout for your gym using SugarWOD? In the video, Nicole shows how to use the barbel lift tool within the programming palette with a 5 x 3 deadlift day. Additionally, Nicole will demonstrate how to utilize the variable rep feature for a more custom style barbell workout.
Program a 1-Rep Max Barbell Lift
1-rep max efforts are an integral part of a gym’s workout program. In this short video, Nicole will show how to program a 1-rep max back squat as an example. There are two scoring options available to coaches depending on what type of structure for the workout is preferred.
Program a Common Benchmark Workout
SugarWOD comes with a library of benchmark and other notable workouts. In this video, Nicole shows how to utilize the library to add hero workouts, the “girls”, and other notable workouts from the community.
How to use Coach’s Notes
The Coach’s Notes section of SugarWOD is a central place to communicate with all of a gym’s coaching staff for an upcoming workout. In the video, Nicole offers a number of suggestions for topics and details that coaches and gym owners can include in the Coach’s Notes section. Gyms can use this section to make announcements, detail points of performance, list scaling options, or give direction on how the workout should be executed.
Customize a Workout with the Workout Editor
There are many tools available to a user when they click into a workout that provides more in-depth information. Nicole walks through the viewable tabs and the information available to users in each one.
Search Your Workout History
SugarWOD offers a powerful full-text search that can look across a gym’s entire workout library. Watch Nicole demonstrate how to utilize the search feature to find and re-program a past workout that she was trying to find.
Create Custom Gym Benchmarks
Coaches and owners are offered a tool within SugarWOD to create custom benchmarks for their gym. This feature is ideal to use for any workout that a gym plans on repeating. In this video, Nicole walks through how to create a custom benchmark with an annual workout known as “12 Days of CrossFit Roots” as an example.
Edit an Existing Workout
Workouts in SugarWOD can be updated fast and easy. Watch Nicole demonstrate how to update an already programmed workout using the “Programming Calendar” and “Workout Editor” as well as the mobile app.
Prepare Your Athletes For The Workout
The “prepare” button within the SugarWOD app helps athletes and coaches get the best result for the day’s workout. In the video, Nicole uses the example of a 7×3 overhead squat to demonstrate how athletes can use past workout history to help prepare for the workout of the day.
Create A Program Track
Many gyms and owners offer a variety of programs within their gym. Programming tracks within SugarWOD give the ability to manage separate programming calendars for each program. In the video, Nicole demonstrates how easy it is to add new tracks and how to maintain them within the platform. There are options to make the tracks either public or private to suit the needs of the gym better.
Program A Custom Workout
SugarWOD makes it easy for gym’s to program custom workouts. In the video, Nicole will discuss all the elements needed for gym owners and coaches to schedule custom workouts for their programming calendar. She will use a workout called “The Terminator” as an example.
Program Unscored Elements
SugarWOD allows gyms and coaches to add unscored elements to their programming calendar. For example, you can program the warm-up so athletes will be aware of what they will be doing, but there won’t be any scoring elements involved.