Product News March 30, 2017

March Newsletter | Accessibility for Athletes, Your Workouts More Places, Thoughts on Gym Culture


Spring is in the air and we’re filled with excitement as we reflect on the growth of the SugarWOD community. 100s of new gyms have started using SugarWOD just in the last couple of months and each week the fist bumps keep rising. With over 30 million total fist bumps, more and more people are connecting through SugarWOD every day.
We’re keeping the momentum up and working to connect more gyms and their athletes with some awesome product updates to support you and your gym. Read below for details and as always, reach out if you have questions!

Publish Your Workouts Anywhere!

We love it when we get to announce new features that make your lives easier (and more fun.) So, we’re happy to announce that recently, we built a feature that enables workout publishing via RSS and HTML.
In addition to our Website Plug-in, customers can publish their workouts directly into their website through an RSS feed or an embedded HTML page. Now, if you want to feature your WOD on your blog, homepage, or even your Facebook page, just use our RSS or HTML tool.
For all of the details read the blog post.

Fitness Is for Everyone | CrossFit Fringe

CrossFit Fringe is all about accessibility. While chatting with Tyler Lasley, I could feel his honest passion through the phone as he shared about his experience working with adaptive athletes like Kevin Ogar and Jordan Reeves. “Fitness isn’t for any one specific type of person. Everyone is an athlete. As long as you make fitness a part of your life and you care about it, you can benefit from it,” says Tyler. Read our profile of CrossFit Fringe for more on Tyler’s philosophy and approach to running his gym.


From the Blog

Create a Culture That Supports Your Ideal Athletes

On occasion, coaches and owners voice their concerns about publishing workouts in advance for their members to see. The concern is often rooted in worry about the athletes who cherry-pick their WODs. Owners attempt to reduce cherry picking by not publicizing the WOD. What those owners might not consider is that they are doing themselves and their members a disservice.
When the topic of cherry picking comes up, the key question you should consider is: What kind of culture do you want to promote in your gym? Read more.


Product Updates

We have a few product improvements and updates you should know about:
Copy and Export Options Available: Every workout table, dashboard, and athlete table now have copy and export capabilities. At the top of each table, you’ll find two new buttons “Copy” and “Export”. “Copy” will put the current data onto the clipboard for pasting into other programs. “Export” will download the data into a CSV file that you can use in Google Sheets, MS Excel and other spreadsheet programs. Here are detailed instructions.
Big Social Upgrades are Coming Soon! In the coming weeks, we’ll be releasing awesome new features that level up the whole SugarWOD app. The new and improved SugarWOD will be easier and more fun to use to connect with your friends and your gym.